
Research Interests


Evangeline Warren (she/her) is a PhD candidate (ex. 2025) in the Department of Sociology at The Ohio State University. She received her MA in Sociology from Ohio State in 2021 and her AB in Sociology from Kenyon College in 2019. She is a scholar of race and health with an extensive publication record in both fields. Her undergraduate honors thesis studied rurality through the fundamental cause framework and her masters thesis interrogated the effects of social proximity to whiteness on the health of nonwhite people. She is a mixed methodologist, with training and reserach experience using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Her dissertation examines experiences of racial liminality for people of color with social proximity to whiteness. This experience of racial liminality is shaped by close social connections to white family and colleagues or by hyper marginalization in white institutional spaces. Using in depth qualitative interviews with people of color who experience social proximity to whiteness, she argues that experiences of racial liminality follow three key archetypes: the Confidant whose liminality allows them to see the backstage space of whiteness; the Island who feels alienated from communities of color and from the whiteness that surrounds them; and the Diplomat who sees their role as an advocate in the halls of whiteness for other people of color. These three archetypes describe distinct experiences and strategies for navigating proximal whiteness further detailed in her dissertation.

In 2022, she was awarded an NIH Diversity supplement to study the experiences of pregnant women with medical mistrust. Drawing on qualitative interviews with a racially diverse set of pregnant or recently pregnant women, she examined how women who have medical mistrust navigate increased interaction with the medical establishment during prgnancy.

She currently serves as a graduate research assistant on the Post-Partum Family Planning Project (PI: Dr. Maria Gallo). Previously she worked as a research assistant on the Perceptions of Discrimination Project (PI: Dr. Lauren Valentino), the Pregnancy Care Survey Project (PI: Dr. Maria Gallo), the Reproductive Health and Decision Making in Ohio study (PIs: Dr. Alison Norris and Dr. Marta Bornstein) and as a graduate trainee with the Ohio Policy Evaluation Network focusing on the experiences of clients at Crisis Pregnancy Centers (PI: Dr. Maria Gallo).

Below you will find links to her most recent publications. For a full list of publications, please see her Google Scholar profile.

When not working on research, she enjoys going to concerts, exploring Columbus with her cats (Oliver and Mira), and cooking up a storm!

Recent Publications

Lauren Valentino and Evangeline Warren

This sequential mixed-methods study examines how Americans ascribe meanings to the concepts racism, sexism, and classism. We first conduct interviews (N = 40) using a symbolic boundaries elicitation approach, gathering examples of scenarios that do and do not “count” as racism, sexism, and classism. We then use these examples as vignettes in a nationally representative survey-experiment (N = 2,000). Results reveal striking evidence for cultural heterogeneity in how Americans understand and define racism, sexism, and classism. We find that a person’s definition of these concepts depends on their emphasis on intentionality, unequal treatment/outcomes, and power (a)symmetry. We also find that political partisanship, gender, age, and income shape the importance of these three components in their definitions. Finally, we show that Americans’ definitions of racism, sexism, and classism strongly predict their discrimination-related public opinion and policy preferences, such as support for affirmative action and antidiscrimination laws, even after accounting for demographic controls, including political views.

Evangeline Warren and Lauren Valentino

Recent scholarship has advanced a concept of racism operating through omission. Omission captures both inaction and action, highlighting how systems of oppression rely on inertia in addition to discriminatory action to perpetuate inequality. Yet little is known about how laypersons understand the role of omission in propagating racism in the United States. Building on this premise, we employ a mixed-methods approach to document and test folk theories of the racism of omission. We interview diverse individuals (N=40) about their appraisals of racism; we use these findings to design a vignette study which we fielded to a national sample (N=1,174). Interview data reveal that some Americans do understand omission to be a form of racism, highlighting (1) bystander inaction, (2) silencing of experiences of racism, (3) overfocus on White issues, and (4) disparities in positions of power as instances where inaction, exclusion, or inertia constitute a form of racism. Data show that Americans are most likely to consider overfocus and silencing as forms of omission-based racism, and that racism appraisals depend on the victim’s race. We find that political ideology, gender, income, race, and education shape appraisals of racism as omission. These findings have implications for measures of perceived racism and discrimination.

Sam Mitchell and Evangeline Warren

Although higher education research has identified racial/ethnic disparities in college enrollment and degree completion, few studies investigate the educational outcomes of multiracial students relative to monoracial student groups. This paper begins to fill this gap and aims to open a conversation about the precarious state of data collection and empirical research on the growing multiracial population. Using several waves from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS) and the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health), we center multiracial college students in our empirical analysis, which investigates the following questions: (1) how do enrollment rates and patterns of enrollment based on institutional type differ, if at all, for multiracial college students relative to monoracial college students? and (2) how does retention and overall degree attainment differ between multiracial and monoracial groups of college students? Our analyses identify several trends that suggest that multiracial people enroll in college at significantly lower rates, are more likely to enroll in private colleges and universities and four-year institutions, and are less likely to earn bachelor’s degrees relative to other racial groups.

Evangeline Warren, Alexandra Kissling, Alison H Norris, Priya R Gursahaney, Danielle Bessett, and Maria F Gallo

Stigma is present throughout everyday interactions but has particular salience for people seeking abortion care. Using Goffman’s conceptualization of stigma as a marker and enforcer of social ostracization, we expand on existing understandings of abortion stigma and its management. We draw on interviews with 12 clients and 10 staff members of crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) in Ohio to demonstrate how stigmatization around abortion begins before an abortion occurs. We find evidence of enacted and anticipated stigmatization and document how women who are considering an abortion mitigate stigmatization through impression management and other responsive mechanisms. This project expands on existing literature by articulating the broad reality of abortion stigma and shows the concrete ways anticipated and experienced stigmatization can change an individual’s behavior in a health care setting.